New build

Møllevangs Allé 157 B, 1. 1

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New build in all of Denmark

New build is still in full swing across the country. The buildings house both large and small homes, at affordable rents for everyone. With Propstep you can get a complete overview of Denmark's new build and find your new rental property.

New build

Do you have an interest in new build or do you dream of living in a brand new home? But at the same time, if you think that it is a bit too confusing to get a proper overview of which buildings are underway across the country - then you have come to the right place.

Propstep is a housing platform with free access to all new buildings throughout Denmark. Simply with that purpose, to make it easier and more manageable for the individual to search for information about all new buildings that are of interest to them and ultimately to rent the home in a convenient flow.

Here you can thus find a comprehensive overview of all new build projects, where it is possible to follow how each individual construction project is progressing. The construction works can often be followed right from the fact that it is just a project that lies as a sketch on a drawing board, to the first sod being turned - all the way to when it is fully built and ready to move into.

In addition, you can seek advice and guidance for e.g. the lease etc., if you are considering renting a project home.