Sustainable building

The construction industry a big culprit when it comes to greenhouse gas emissions. Fortunately our growing interest in the environment is also reflected in today's buildings. At Propstep we bring together all the most important building projects in Denmark, built with a focus on sustainability.

The cornerstones of sustainable building

Most people will probably associate sustainability and construction with a focus on the environmental part. But sustainable building can contain more aspects than just that. The concept consists of 3 dimensions, each of which covers part of the full picture.

1. Environmental dimension

The environmental dimension within sustainable building is the one most of us are familiar with. It indicates, for example, that the building has been constructed with regard to the environment and that the building is energy efficient. Effective insulation, green energy sources and climate-friendly construction are some of the factors that contribute to a building's environmental sustainability.

2. Economic dimension

Under the economic dimension, the total costs of construction are taken into account, all the way from demolition to construction. Instead of choosing the cheapest materials, so that the construction can be carried out with the least possible costs, one considers, for example which materials and processes will pay off best in the long run.

3. Social dimension

The social dimension gives sustainability a more human touch, with a focus on the social and cultural life in and around the various buildings. Already during the planning of buildings and living areas, the starting point is the location of, for example, schools, institutions, urban spaces and the area's transportation options.


There are a number of different sustainability certifications that buildings can obtain when they meet a number of requirements in relation to the sustainable dimensions. Here we have chosen to focus on the two most important on the Danish market.


The Danish version of the DGNB certification was launched in 2012. The principle behind the certificate is based on focusing on the whole and therefore giving equal weight to economic, social and environmental conditions. In addition, procedural and technical quality is also taken into account.

So, when a DGNB certificate is to be issued, the project is judged on the basis of several criteria, as well as over 100 sub-criteria and gets points accordingly. It is, among other things, criteria such as sound conditions, environmentally friendly transport and the indoor climate, which are judged on the basis of.

Based on the points, the projects are awarded platinum, gold and silver certifications. Where platinum is the highest the projects can be awarded and silver is the lowest. Not all buildings can get the certificate, as there are some minimum requirements that must be met and in this way some projects are sorted out. Read more about DGNB here.

Nordic Ecolabel

The Nordic Swan Ecolabel (Svanemærket) is the Nordics' official environmental label, and since you can find many different products within the label, most people know about it. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in buildings that choose to go after the Nordic Ecolabel.

The Nordic Ecolabel places the highest importance on the environmental dimension. Here, great emphasis is placed on the entire lifecycle of the project. There are therefore strict requirements for the materials, the construction process, the use phase and the waste phase.

Along the way, the construction will be closely monitored and a log book must also be kept that tells about the most important materials and chemical products used for the construction. There are i.a. strict requirements for the paint, the sealant for the insulation, the vapor barriers and the floor. When a building meets the requirements, it receives the Nordic Ecolabel. You can read more about the label here.

DGNB certified projects

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